Monday, April 11, 2011


Napoleon Bonaparte was exiled to the island of Elba after being a huge jerk to the rest of the world. Somehow he was allowed off the island and started being an even bigger jerk until he finally died in 1821. Believe it or not, he was a literary genius in his own way, I suppose anyone would be if they were exiled and had that much time on their hands. Napoleon perfected what is known as Palindromes.

Palindrome (n) a word or phrase the letters of which, when taken in reverseorder, give the same word or phrase.

Here is the only palindrome I came up with: Hannah sees Bob.

They are a lot harder than one may think, and Napoleon came up with some pretty good ones. His most famous one being about the prison of Island Elba: 
Able was I ere I saw Elba

Funnily enough, my Biology teacher was the one who taught me about palindromes today. In Biology a palindrome has something to do with identical twins and they're DNA being the same backwards and forwards. She thought they were so funny that she found this video and showed it in class:

Obviously he is more creative than I am.

Happy palindroming!


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