Saturday, April 9, 2011

Lou Lou.

I was wandering through my favorite aisle of my school library a few weeks ago. Sometimes I grab a vanilla chai tea latte (recommended) and walk to the basement where the children's library is. "Children's library" is not really just for children. Lots of students love to work there because it's quite, theres comfy chairs, whiteboards, and it's just a great environment.

So I'll have my tea, my laptop, my diary, colored marker pens etc. and I'll sit in the third aisle of the book shelves. The aisle is just far in enough to be away from other students, and just close enough that it's not creepily isolating.

I was going through the books, just letting myself look at each cover and read the inside flap at my leisure. For some reason all of the YA fiction is in the children's library... of course, the good stuff. That's when I ran into this little number and immediately fell in love.

An actual children's book in the library! My name (sort of)! There are multiple chapters, but it took me only about twenty minutes to read the whole thing. I sat and laughed away at Lulu's grand adventure.

Told by a very sassy narrator, this is the story of a bratty young girl named Lulu and her quest to find her perfect birthday present -- a Brontosaurus. She's mean, tough, resourceful, and downright attitude. When she finds her pet Brontosaurus things do not go her way, not one bit, nope nope nope! This is a very creative story as well as a very well-written children's book that I want to have on my shelf one day. It's one of those books I can pick up over and over again and never get tired of it.

What really drew me in were the illustrations on every page.

I recommend this book for anyone that hasn't been in touch with their inner child. The writing is simplistic and repetitive, like any great children's book I have ever read. A truly wonderful read again and again and again.

I hope I'm not the only college student giggling in the basement of a library over a brontosaurus, but then then again I would not mind.



  1. Sounds like a delightful book, my kids would love it. I think I would love it too! (Your blog is off to such a great start, have you found bookblogsning yet? its a good way to connect with other book bloggers/followers, and also on twitter.)

  2. No i have not, but thank you! I'm trying my best to expand by following random blogs but so far it's been slow. I'm going to check that out!
