C is for college boys.
Notice I say boys and not men or guys. They are boys in every possible meaning you could get out of the word. Let's compare the two.
Let us take 11 year olds, an age I'm familiar with because of my younger brother. 11 year olds like to get dirty and not shower for days. Play video games well into the night until their eyes itch. Make fun of girls while wishing girls talked to them on the playground. They are perfectly fine with dirt. Lot's of dirt. Dirt in their hair, in their clothes, on their bed, on the floor, in the sink, and especially on their hands which in turn gets on everything they touch. They like instruments but they won't bother learning how to play them. Play dates often turn into sleepovers, which often turn into extended-weekend long interactions. However, don't be fooled, they've just been playing video games for 72 hours in a dark basement. They'll eat pizza and soda for the rest of their lives unless you hand feed them something else. They never stop eating either, hours and hours and hours later they will still be eating. They think farts and burps are just hilarious every time they happen. Finally, they pretend they don't care about what clothes they wear but secretly their outfits have to be just right.
Now college boys.
Exactly the same except replace soda with alcohol and playground with facebook chat. It's not that fair of me to judge them so harshly just because I'm not one. They enjoy each others company and that should be good enough for half of the population despite their many flaws. Most of them have many good qualities that get overlooked because of the bad ones... and the many layers of dirt. I just recently heard someone tell me that most males don't calm down and become better gentleman until 25. Well that's a little long and inconvenient.
I must tell my future daughters to wait until their 25, and then shop around for the ones who shower most frequently. Thanks for letting me rant.